Tuesday, January 10, 2023

My bike - carb issues part 1

 I noticed when running the bike the carb was over flowing and petrol was poring on the floor, so I decided to strip the carb and see if there was anything obvious going on.

My first thoughts were either the floats were at the wrong height or something was blocked. After removing everything, blowing the jets through and checking the floats I couldn't see anything to wrong so I assembled and left it for another day. 

My next thought was to check the carb settings against the factory set up to see if the carb was in fact set up wrong. I have looked at the settings here: this is what I found.

The idle jet, atomiser and floats were out of spec and the needle was at the incorrect height presumably to compensate for the incorrect atomiser? 

The next thing that confused me was the carb model was slightly wrong, according to the manual it should be a PHBH 28 RD and my had the BD code.

Now the RD carb should be a power jet model, but this isn't referenced in the original carb spec so I am not sure if this is correct. The BD version seems to be a generic 2 stroke replacement carb. 

I ordered the correct parts from Dellorto suppliers Eurocarb to make by BD spec carb exactly the same spec as the manual. I also managed to pick up a RD spec PHBH28 of ebay as a back up plan but the slide is huge and the jetting is odd because of the powerjet so I am not convinced this will be any help.

The next step is to rebuild the carb and run the bike. I am convinced the heavier weight floats will resolve the over flow issue, however the battery died so the test will have to wait for another day!!!

If you have any information on the carb settings for a 89 Sintesi please comment bellow.


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