Friday, December 6, 2024

1991 AF1 Futura UK specification

Back in 1992 I bought my (at the time) dream bike, a 1991 Aprilia AF1 Futura, reg number J671 JOR. This bike was a UK specification machine with the twin headlights, which at the time I thought they were quite ugly (love them now!) compared to the faired in Italian version. The UK version was specific for our market and actually differed quite a bit form the original Italian spec machine which makes it an interesting model. It actually has more in common with the later Italian spec GE and GR models than the FM type Futura, even in the owners handbook the drawing of the Futura had the GR type seat unit.

My original owners manual for the UK spec Futura

Here are the main differences:

Type FM 1990

Type UK - 1991

Type GR - 1991

changes starting from the back:

* Sprocket guard - smaller pressed alloy
* Main frame (lug) - no longer welded externally and plugged. 
* Strengthened swingarm to take wider tyres.
* Addition of the Project 108 decal on the swingarm
* Fork - newer updated 40mm fork with different brake mount
* Mudgaurd - one-piece extending down to protect the stanchions
* Headlight - twin headlight with rubber surround, also used on the UK Sport Pro
* Mirrors - superficial, but the UK had white mirrors not black
* Tyres - FM were 100/18-17 + 130/70-17, UK changed to 110/70-17 + 140/70-17. Wheels are the same.

The FM model uses what looks like Sintesi parts, certainly the sprocket guard, 38mm front fork and mudgaurd are. the frame is Sintesi based but a little wider at the top to accommodate the different sized tank. The updated components used on the UK bike remained the same until the AF1 was discontinued. 

According to the 125 Stradali the type GE 1991 ran from the 25th September 1990 and was updated to GR spec on the 31st Jan 91."Curiously, the approved tailpiece and tank are still those of the Futura 90, although they were never adopted in production, moving directly to the 1991 bodywork as you can see in the photo. (Evidently at the time of approval it must not have been clear yet what the definitive bodywork for the '91 model would be)." Note the UK Futura had a metal fuel tank while the replacing model (GR) had a plastic fuel tank with a cover.

This part is pure conjecture. I would probably suggest buy the time Aprilia UK decided to import the Futura (1yr after launch) production on the type FM had finished and Aprilia had moved on to the type GE/R. Probably Aprilia still had good stock of bodywork so decided to produce a UK specific version with the twin headlights to suit our regulations. I do remember the Futura being sold side-by-side with the Sintesi replica (type EU), hence why even though the Replica is a 1989 model mine was registered is a 1992

If anybody has any additional info or can confirm any of the above I would love to hear from you?


Wednesday, December 4, 2024

My bike, NOS foot rest

 My right side rear riders rear set had snapped where the heal guide joins the main frame so I have been on a look out for a replacement, however this seems to be a common brake so the part is rare. 


Recently one popped up on ebay via Ultimate Parts Ltd so I jumped on it, part 81 32 626 (AP8132626).

check the part number is correct for your model!

The replacement part is the correct part number and reference for the Sintesi model, however the Futura and Sport Pro use the same part with a different finish so will have a different part number. An example being, 89 model part number 81 32 626 which is described as 'polished' and for the 90 model 81 35 211 which is described as 'mat polished', but are essentially the same part.

The replacement looks like its a ball burnished finish, so very bright alloy and the challenge will be to match the other three foot rests. I made a quick test polish using a rag and autosol to see what an original foot rest will look like. With a bit of work they will polish up nice, however it will not look like the original part. I need to have a think about this and explore some options...

test polish

Pre-production Project 108 AF1 Replica

Here is a great picture from the 1987 Milan motorcycle show showing the Replica version of the AF1 Project 108. As you can see the bike has ...